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Getting Started

In the absence of a perfect blog title or a fully formed idea of where I'm going with this whole blog idea, I am just leaping in. Timidity doesn't seem to be particularly productive, after all. I've cast off the earlier heading "News and Events" in favor of the imperfect blog bit. And so, at least for now, I plan to share the occasional reflection, rant, celebration, disappointment, confusion--you know--the the stuff of life. I suspect I'll veer toward what's going on in my writing life, but since that seems to be connected to everything else, there may be more of the personal than I'm accustomed to making public. And if you're inclined to respond in any way, please do feel free to comment. It doesn't have to be perfect, either! Read More 
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Two Holidays

October 18, 2015 Here in the 49th state it is Alaska Day, commemorating Secretary of State William Seward's purchase of the territory of Alaska from Russia. Schools and state offices are closed. Columbus Day, last week's federal holiday, is not a state holiday in Alaska. Furthermore, this year, our governor proclaimed by Executive Order that the  Read More 
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Dad and Me: 2015

Music and books, poetry, family, dogs, and the great outdoors---It's so much who I am, and my dad, who died in July, was such a part of all of that. Here we are the month before he died, singing and playing music together. Such sweet memories. One way I am honoring his memory is focusing the time I spent with him daily on my writing--I know he'd approve!  Read More 
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